Tin & Synchronet a Bug ?
Urs Janßen
2005-11-17 10:03:36 UTC
You can verify this by enableing debug output (adding -d to your
command-line in your ctrl/services.inin file) and capturing the output
(e.g. "rsp: text") in your log.
-d is on .... here the logfle !
No, but even if you did, the Synchronet nntpservice.js supports xfef
information. More details are needed.
Here is the Logfile of synchronet ...
Nov 16 17:12:33 ice synchronet: srvc 0011 NNTP rsp: 200 bastigon.de News
(Synchronet 3.13b-Linux NNTP Service 1.92)
Nov 16 17:12:33 ice synchronet: srvc 0011 NNTP Logging in Guest
Nov 16 17:12:33 ice synchronet: srvc 0011 NNTP cmd: LIST EXTENSIONS
Nov 16 17:12:33 ice synchronet: srvc 0011 NNTP rsp: 215 list of
newsgroups follows
Nov 16 17:12:33 ice synchronet: srvc 0011 NNTP rsp: de.comm.funk.vereine
5496 1 n
Nov 16 17:12:33 ice synchronet: srvc 0011 NNTP rsp: .
Synchronet doesn't handle extended list commands correct and treats them all
as if they were a "LIST ACTIVE". anyway, this is not the problem as tin can
cope with that, but it should be fixed in the synchronet source one day.
Nov 16 17:12:33 ice synchronet: srvc 0011 NNTP cmd: MODE READER
Nov 16 17:12:33 ice synchronet: srvc 0011 NNTP rsp: 200 Hello, you can post
Nov 16 17:12:33 ice synchronet: srvc 0011 NNTP cmd: XOVER
Nov 16 17:12:33 ice synchronet: srvc 0011 NNTP rsp: 224 Overview
information follows
this is the real bug, the RFC says that the server should respond with 412
if XOVER is requested without beeing in a newsgroup (tin does this to see if
the server knows the XOVER command). instead of returning a _single_-line
error-message the server gives a multiline response when this is not
expected by the client. as tin only read the first response line and leaves
all other lines on the input queqe, they will be fetched with the response to
the next command -> total confusion.

again, the bug is not inside tin, but inside the synchronet server, RFC 2980
clearly says:

| A news group must have been selected earlier, else a 412
| error response is returned. If no articles are in the range
| specified, a 420 error response is returned by the server. A 502
| response will be returned if the client only has permission to
| transfer articles.

"Only whimps use tape backup: _real_ men just upload their important stuff
on ftp, and let the rest of the world mirror it ;)" - Linus
Urs Janßen
2005-11-17 13:04:16 UTC
Post by Urs Janßen
Nov 16 17:12:33 ice synchronet: srvc 0011 NNTP cmd: MODE READER
Nov 16 17:12:33 ice synchronet: srvc 0011 NNTP rsp: 200 Hello, you can post
Nov 16 17:12:33 ice synchronet: srvc 0011 NNTP cmd: XOVER
Nov 16 17:12:33 ice synchronet: srvc 0011 NNTP rsp: 224 Overview
information follows
this is the real bug, the RFC says that the server should respond with 412
if XOVER is requested without beeing in a newsgroup (tin does this to see if
the server knows the XOVER command). instead of returning a _single_-line
error-message the server gives a multiline response when this is not
expected by the client. as tin only read the first response line and leaves
all other lines on the input queqe, they will be fetched with the response to
the next command -> total confusion.
again, the bug is not inside tin, but inside the synchronet server, RFC 2980
| A news group must have been selected earlier, else a 412
| error response is returned. If no articles are in the range
| specified, a 420 error response is returned by the server. A 502
| response will be returned if the client only has permission to
| transfer articles.
below is a patch for tin to handle Synchronets broken XOVER response.
the nntp-part of the server seems to have a lot of other bugs or at least
missing features (e.g. missing extended LIST commands (LIST NEWSGROUPS)),

--- nntplib.c.o 2005-11-17 13:44:04.835572717 +0100
+++ nntplib.c 2005-11-17 13:52:35.904775699 +0100
@@ -1401,10 +1401,28 @@
* We have to check that we _don't_ get an ERR_COMMAND
if (nntp_caps.type == NO) {
- for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
- if (!nntp_command(&xover_cmds[i], ERR_COMMAND, NULL, 0)) {
- nntp_caps.over_cmd = &xover_cmds[i];
- break;
+ int j = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < 2 && j >= 0; i++) {
+ j = new_nntp_command(&xover_cmds[i], ERR_NCING, line, sizeof(line));
+ switch (j) {
+ break;
+ case 224: /* unexpected multiline ok, e.g.: Synchronet 3.13b-Linux NNTP Service 1.92 */
+ nntp_caps.over_cmd = &xover_cmds[i];
+# ifdef DEBUG
+ debug_nntp(&xover_cmds[i], "skipping data");
+# endif /* DEBUG */
+ while ((linep = tin_fgets(FAKE_NNTP_FP, FALSE)) != NULL)
+ ;
+ j = -1;
+ break;
+ default:
+ nntp_caps.over_cmd = &xover_cmds[i];
+ j = -1;
+ break;
} else {
@@ -1413,8 +1431,25 @@
- if (!nntp_command(xover_cmds, ERR_COMMAND, NULL, 0))
- nntp_caps.over_cmd = xover_cmds;
+ i = new_nntp_command(xover_cmds, ERR_NCING, line, sizeof(line));
+ switch (i) {
+ break;
+ case 215: /* unexpected multiline ok, e.g.: Synchronet 3.13b-Linux NNTP Service 1.92 */
+ nntp_caps.over_cmd = xover_cmds;
+# ifdef DEBUG
+ debug_nntp(xover_cmds, "skipping data");
+# endif /* DEBUG */
+ while ((linep = tin_fgets(FAKE_NNTP_FP, FALSE)) != NULL)
+ ;
+ break;
+ default:
+ nntp_caps.over_cmd = xover_cmds;
+ break;
+ }
# if 0 /* unused */
if (!nntp_caps.hdr_cmd) {
